$1 Billion valuation solving an “unsexy” problem – YoungEntrepreneur

“Over the past eight years, the young entrepreneurs have attracted roughly $300 million in funding from venture capital firms and angel investors the likes of Andreessen Horowitz and Mark Cuban. The company, which grew its sales by 150 percent last year and now sports a valuation of around $1 billion, boasts a customer base of roughly 15 million users and 150,000 businesses.”

Read the full article here: Aaron Levie on Box’s $1 Billion Valuation and Solving the World’s ‘Unsexy’ Problems |

An Interview with TechStars NYC co-founder, David Tisch – Under30CEO

“Investors around the world have some similarities in what they look for in potential investments, but they don’t always value a startup’s strengths and weaknesses the same way.  While considering applicants for TechStars, David stated that the key factors they were looking for were – team, market, product & idea, in that exact order.”
Investability of a Startup: Interview with BoxGroup’s David Tisch : Under30CEO

VCs Don’t Sign NDAs… Here’s Why – Forbes

Says one VC: “For entrepreneurs who think their basic idea is so good they can’t tell anyone — those folks lack the ego it takes to win the entrepreneurial game. In other words, they don’t have the moxie to think they can best execute on their idea.”

Entrepreneur vs. Venture Capitalist: The Curse Of The NDA – Forbes